Saturday, June 2, 2007

Fun at a local carnival

We had a fun time at a local carnival today. The sky was overcast which provided for some nice lighting. Even so I had to change the white balance back and forth between shady and cloudy depending if the subject was under a tent or out in the open. There were lots of opportunities to catch people doing fun and interesting things. Even better, I was able to get several photographs of people in relaxed and unposed positions. The Kansas City Police Department had some of their best stuff at the carnival such as a couple of race cars, their bomb robot and their SWAT vehicle. Overall, it was a great opportunity to take photographs of things as they happened. This required me to change my settings on the fly and adjust to changing conditions which can only help me become more familiar with my camera.

Here are a few of the photographs I liked best. There are more on my Flickr portfolio (see the link on the right).

Katherine getting princess tattoo

Victoria in bomb suit (PP)

Palm Tree Painting (PP)

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