Friday, December 21, 2007

The best of 2007

Someone over at dpreview started a thread on their best photographs of the year. I thought this sounded like an excellent idea and decided to look back through my own photographs. My Flickr account now has over 400 photographs which were all taken in the last 12 months. I figured they couldn't ALL be bad, and a careful review found a few gems I am actually quite proud of.

This first photograph is from one of my first studio sessions. I envisioned it being used in an article dealing with violence and weapons at school. Alas, no one else was interested in it, but I quite like it.

This next shot was a barn fire I photographed this summer. I had been working on a Saturday and when I walked out of the office I saw this plume of smoke nearby. I beat the fire department there by just a few minutes and was able to get into a pretty good position without getting in their way. The barn was filled with hay and it burned very quickly. No one was hurt, but the barn was a total loss.

I was on the way home one night when I saw quite a few emergency vehicles nearby. I arrived on the scene in time to photograph this roll-over accident. No one was seriously injured, but the driver that caused the accident was arrested for drunk driving.

We recently had a pretty strong ice storm roll through. While it was devastating for many in the local community, it also made for some very interesting photographs. This is my favorite photograph of the entire year.
I have a long way to go as a photographer, but I have learned a LOT this year. Keeping this blog has helped keep me on track. I am also very glad I started my portfolio on Flickr. This has been an excellent tool for storing my best photographs, sharing them with others, and having a record of my progress. I can't wait to see where I end up next year.

If you are reading this, thanks for stopping by. I hope you have a wonderful and happy Christmas season. I pray God will bless you and your family with health, happiness and prosperity.


Monday, December 17, 2007

Gingerbread Manger Scene

Gingerbread Manger scene 001
Originally uploaded by Chris in KC
I went to church this Sunday and they were auctioning off a very nice manger scene made of gingerbread. I was very impressed with the quality and detail, so I spent some time photographing it. I especially like the toasted coconut used for hay. Very creative.

I used my 50mm f/18 (the plastic fantastic) and the ambient lighting in the foyer. I had to bump the ISO to 800 and jumped back and forth between f/2.8 and f/4. I like the bokeh on this first shot, but working with such a shallow depth of field really shows how everything in the manger scene is set at different distances from the lens. It was difficult to keep everything in focus and I did not bring my tripod.

Even so, it was nice to capture this work of art before it was eaten and lost forever. Kudos to the artist, whom I do not know.