Thursday, July 10, 2008

My Web Page

I have been thinking about this for quite a while, but I finally set up my own web page. I have close to 1000 photographs on my Flickr account, and many of them are for specific projects, and are not very interesting to the average viewer. I wanted a way to showcase the best of my work without forcing people to weed through hundreds of photographs they did not care about. I also wanted a fixed URL to put on my business cards. Now, even if I change my blog address, or email address, or picture hosting service, my website URL will always be the same.

The website is very much still under construction, although much of the basic content is already there. You can check it out at Photography Journey.


Monday, July 7, 2008

Fireworks in Parkville

The family and I cruised down to Parkville, Missouri to see their show this year. We have been there several times before and they always put on a good show.
This is not my first year photographing fireworks, but it is my first year with a DSLR and a decent set of lenses. In one way, that actually worked against me. I started out with my Tamron 70-200, but because we were so close to the fireworks, 70mm was not wide enough. I quickly switched over to my Tamron 28-300, but that also did not prove wide enough. I finally settled on my Tamron 17-50, and this was wide enough for all the shots. I think it is better to be too wide, because you can crop in on the shots that are not tight enough, but you can't ever add to a photograph where part of the fireworks were cut off.

All shots were taken at ISO 100, f/16, and I used a bulb mode with a remote shutter release to take 3-5 second exposures. Next year I want to find someplace to shoot more landscape style shots. I would like some kind of background (maybe Royals Stadium) with the fireworks going off above.

Here are the best of the shots I got this year.