I have decided to become a better photographer. Unfortunately, just deciding something does not make it true. The pictures I have taken over the years are only snapshot quality and are mostly of family events or vacation landmarks. Granted, the family snapshots are of interest to the family members and many may become treasured over the years for the sentimental/historical value.
I now desire, however, to appeal to a broader audience. I hope to learn how to take photographs that will be appreciated by a viewer who does not know me at all. I also hope to find some way to earn some money on the side with photography. I have no desire to become a full time photographer (that would make it too much work). I don't want to open a studio for portrait photography and I don't really want to shoot weddings. These are all fine uses of a photographer's skills, but they don't exactly mesh up with my interests in photography. I do like the idea of becoming a stock photographer and selling pictures that way. I also have a romantic idea about taking "art" quality pictures that I can sell at art shows.
All of this is pie-in-the-sky thinking at the moment because my current level of photographic skill is no where good enough for me to sell pictures to anyone. I have been reading books, investing in some basic equipment, and above all, shooting lots of pictures. But, my current approach feels very choatic and unorganized. It is difficult for me to track my progress and above all, it is difficult to get feedback from anyone else as most of these pictures just sit on my PC or on a CD.
So, this blog has two purposes initially. The first is to help me organize my journey into better photography and be able to see my progress as I improve (hopefully). The second is the scariest part, which is to put my work into the public forum where others can see it and criticize it. I am extremely critical of my own work, and I almost never take a picture I am happy with. This makes me very hesitent to show my work to anyone else. But, I also recognize that I need input from other people on how my photographs can be improved, so I am throwing caution to the wind and taking this blog public.
Input from everyone is welcome, even if you have never held a camera in your life. Good photographs are appreciated by everyone, even if they don't know why. And usually people can tell why they don't like a photograph. So, criticize away (but try to be nice, eh?) and let the journey begin.