Thursday, May 31, 2007

Photographing a subect from multiple perspectives

Originally uploaded by Chris in KC

I found a good photography course online at I started the class several months ago with my Kodak Z612, but I kind of fizzled out because I ran into limitations with the camera's settings. I figured it would be good to revisit these lessons with my Canon XT. Lesson one has two assignments: take an abstract photograph, and shoot a subject from multiple perspectives. I already did the abstract lesson a second time and this is my effort to get multiple different perspectives of a subject.
In the past I have spent a lot of time searching for just the right subject, which often meant I did not around to actually doing the lesson because I never found the right subject. This time I left my office with the thought that I WOULD find a subject before I got home. As I walked out of my office I saw this CASE loader that has been sitting in our parking lot for several months. In spite of the big pile of dirt around this, the loader is actually smack dab in the middle of an asphalt parking lot. We don't always get to choose the subject we are shooting, so I tried to make the best of what I had and shoot it in an interesting way.

As an added element, I used my 75-300mm zoom so I could get some practice with it. Even 70mm is way up close and personal. For several of these shots I had to be 100ft away or more. I was hoping for more bokeh in some of them, but I guess I can work on that technique later on.

Here are the rest of the photographs from this series. The full size versions can be seen by clicking on the photos below:






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