Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Learning to use the camera

One of the places I hang out quite frequently is http://www.dpreview.com/. The forums there are some of the most extensive I have found and there are tons of photographers ready to answer questions and provide photographic criticism. A commonly asked question in these forums is, "I am buying a new camera. I heard the kit lens is no good. Which lens should I buy." One of the other photographers at this website prepared an excellent response which can be viewed here:

The synopsis of his reply is that the photographer, not the lens, is responsible for taking good pictures. He provides a long list of things every beginning photographer should do with the kit lens before worrying about buying a better one. I think he was right on and I have been working my way through this list. I still have the following items I want to do:
6. Intentionally underexpose or overexpose an image to create a feeling that you want to convey to the viewer of your picture.
7. Experiment with bokeh and use it in a creative manner. Yes, the kit lens is capable of bokeh!
8. Set your lens to a zoom level and leave it there all day long. Practice zooming with your legs.
9. Spend an entire day with the lens set on manual focus. Learn how to focus without relying upon the automatic focus feature.
12. Take pictures in the bulb mode. Star trails, automobile taillights, ghost images, and fireworks are all great opportunities to create an image you would be proud to share with others. Yes, the kit lens can do all this too.
13. Capture an image of a lightening bolt.
14. Take a picture of the moon. Not a close up of the moon, but a landscape picture which includes the moon.
15. Try panning. Fast moving vehicles or an athlete at a sporting event are great subjects to practice the technique of panning.
16. Take some pictures of water drops until you get one that you want to print.
17. Take some portraits of your friends.
18. Take some candids of your friends.
19. Ask 10 strangers if you can take their picture.
20. Take some self-portraits of yourself. Find one that you would like to share with others.
22. Go downtown at night and take some exposures without the flash. Learn to use the available light.
26. Make someone laugh with a picture you took.
27. Make someone pause and reflect with a picture you took.
29. Visit someone else’s online photo gallery. Find an image you like and see how close you can imitate it.
30. Look through a magazine. Find a picture you like and see if you can imitate it as well.

My knowledge of photography and the functions of my camera cannot help but improve by completing these exercises. Plus, these kind of exercises help keep me from falling into a rut. Periodically I will add a new entry to my blog that focuses on one of these items. I hope to complete all of these items by the end of the year.
Now, stop reading my blog and go take some pictures! =P


Anonymous said...

Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Até mais.

Chris said...

The first comment I get on my blog, and it is a spam message for someone else's blog. *sigh*

BTW - If anyone cares, I think this is in Portuguese. For a translation try Babelfish, but he is basically advertising his custom t-shirts.